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terminology for 6.02

Disposable undergarment
Lesion or erosion on stomach wall
Inflamation of urinary bladder
Introduction of fluid into the rectum and colon
Feeling sick at the stomach
Blood in urine
Inflammatory disease of colon
Inability to control urine
Chronic disease of diverticula forming in lining of wall of colon
Accumulation of urea in the blood
Urine drains into a bag
Excessive urination during the night
Medication given rectally to cause a bowel movement
Bedside comode
Act of passing urine
Medicine for relieving consitipation
Vomit, stomach contents
Protrusion of organ through wall of cavity where normally contained
Inflamation of the liver
Container used by men to collect urine
Emptying the bladder
Urinary tract infection
Inflamation of the pancreas
Process of eliminating waste from bowel
Solid human waste
Voiding large amounts of urine
Catheter that fits onto penis
Inflamation of the kidney
Gas in the stomach or intestines
Kidney stone