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143 Parasites malaria tryp dirofil asc ancyl

Vector for dirofilariasis.
Genus of "hookworms"
Threadworms and roundworms are this type of helminth.
This morphologic form of Dirofilaria resides in the bloodstream.
The timing of the "chills" in malaria is closely related to the _________ of host red blood cells.
Vector for ascariasis (large small intestinal roundworm) and for ancylostomiasis (hookworm)
The ___________ host is the host in which the adult and/or sexual phase of a parasite occurs.
Site (organ) of exo-erythrocytic cycle in malaria.
Organ affected (the target) in Chaga's disease.
Host of sporogonic cycle in malaria.
Form of Plasmodium injected by mosquito into new host.
The ___________ host is the host in which the larval or asexual phase of a parasite occurs.
Etiologic agent (genus) of sleeping sickness.
Adjective meaning able to cause disease.
One thousandth of a millimeter.
Genus of large (up to approximately 40 cm or 15 inches long) roundworms living in small intestines.
Infective, embryonate eggs are ingested by new host and this form hatches from the infective egg and invades the intestinal mucosa
True or False. Adult Ascaris worms can live 1 to 2 years in the human small intestines.
Hookworms live as adults in the small intestines of a mammalian host, including dogs, cats and humans, where thy attach by means of their sturdy mouth parts to the host's intestinal mucosa, damage the intestinal mucosa and suck blood and tissue fluids from the host, causing blood loss and __________, hypoproteinemia, facial and peripheral edema and eosinophilia.
Route of infection for ascariasis
Route of infection of mammalian host by hookworm is direct penetration of __________.