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Types of Joints and Intervertebral Discs

Pad of fibrocartilage
Slightly movable fibrous joints that connect tibia and fibula
Matrix of connective tissue, bundles of strong collagenous fibers connecting periosteum to bone
Immovable joint that connects the ribs to the sternum
There are a total of _____intervertebral discs in the spine.
Inner part of the intervertebral discs
Slipped discs are more common in ________ than women.
There are _____intervertebral discs in the thoracic region.
The amount of weeks treatment can take (non-surgical) for herniated discs
Immovable joint
Advantage of amphiarthorsis
A fibrous joint that forms a connect the bones of the brain
Binds teeth to boney socket
There are _____intervertebral discs in the lumbar region.
Fusion of adjacent bones becoming one bone
Slightly movable joint
The Annulus Fibrosus is made up of _______ that connect the intervertebral discs to the vertebrae.
There are _____intervertebral discs in the cervical region.
These soft spots help aid infants head through birth canal
Outer part of the intervertebral discs
Another word for “slipped discs”
The Nucleus Pulposus is made up of a ____ like substance to resist compression.
Herniated (slipped) discs are most common in this area/region