command creates a copy of selected objects in reverse, that is, mirrored about a specified line.
draws 2D polygons (edges with equal length).
The x and y coordinates reference the last point selected in the drawing.
command creates one or more lines of text, ending each line when you press ENTER
The x and y coordinates are determined by an absolute Origin point of 0,0.
command is used to make multiple copies of selected objects in either rectangular or polar arrays (patterns) or along a selected path.
When Osnap is set to ON, it turns on the specific Osnaps you have turned on in the settings mode of Osnap.
command allows you to edit text.
command moves one or more objects from their present location to a new one without changing orientation or size.
creates a pattern of multiple copies in rows and columns. The whole rectangular array can be rotated at a selected angle.
When in a command such as the Line command, and you are prompted to specify a point
command is used to change one or both endpoints of selected lines, arcs, elliptical arcs, open 2D and 3D polylines, and rays to extend to lines, arcs, elliptical arcs, circles, ellipses, 2D and 3D polylines, rays, xlines, regions, splines, text string, or floating viewports.
are the equivalent of the transparency sheets used to group information by function and to set a color, linetype, linewieght, and other standards.
command separates polyline objects into separate pieces.
command fillets (rounds) the intersecting ends of two lines, arcs, or circles with an arc of a specified Radius.
command creates text by “processing” the words in paragraph form; the width of the paragraph is determined by the user-specified rectangular boundary.
command draws points on the drawing.
command is reversal of the effects of the previous U and UNDO commands.