Blood vessel that connects a capillary to a vein
Internal saclike organs that serve as the respiratory surface in most land vertebrates and some fish
Cardiac ______ group of heart cells (SA node) that emits electrical signals calling for muscle contraction
____ Pressure -the pressure exerted by blood against the walls of vessels that enclose it, is high in arteries and declines as blood proceeds through a circuit
An organ system that speeds the distribution of materials within an animal body
large vessel that carries blood back toward the heart
System of tubes that deliver air from body surface to tissues of insects
Folds or body extensions that increase the surface area for respiration
Cycle sequence of contraction and relaxation of heart chambers that occurs with each heartbeat
most numerous blood cells, have hemoglobin-filled disk, to carry oxygen
Hardening of the arteries
fluid portion of blood, consists mostly of water with dissolved plasma proteins, mineral ions, gases, sugars, amino acids, and water soluble hormones and vitamins
Skeletal muscles between the ribs
Circulatory system in which the circulatory fluid (hemolymph) leaves vessels and flows among tissues before returning to the heart
function in housekeeping and defense
vessels that receive blood from an artery and deliver it to capillaries. site of adjustments to blood distribution
Circuit through capillaries in body tissues before returning to the heart
highest pressure of a cardiac cycle, occurs as the contracting ventricles force blood into the arteries (120 mmHg)
chronically high blood pressure (above 140/90 mmHg)
the lowest blood pressure of a cardiac cycle, occurs when the ventricles are fully relaxed (80 mmHg)
Disease in which red blood cells are in short supply or abnormal