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creating awareness

The ___ chooses the agenda for the coaching session.
Coach show no ____ to the specific outcome of the coaching
Helps the client to _____ for themselves new thoughts, beliefs,perceptions and emotions.
Invokes inquiry for greater _____
The coaches ___ to partnter fully with the client in exploration.
The coach strives to hold______
The coach attends to the client's _______
Expresses ____ to the client in ways that are useful and meaningful.
The coach inspires________
The coach asks ____ questions to invoke exploration.
Demontrates a _____ level of ability to understand the way the client learns and creates.
Invokes inquiry for greater understanding,_____, and clarity.
The coach ____ the client's exploration and creation of new techniques or tools.
Ability to_____and accurately evaluatr muliple sources of information.
Expresses____ to clients in ways that are useful and meaningful to the client.