Call that designates second slide man
Our adjacent sliding defense
Positioning of defender who's man is setting a pick above the goal
Call made to jump and double-team a pick.
Off ball defender's ball-side position, between his man and the ball, with both points (man & ball) in front of his hips.
Area of the field Defined as 2 yards below GLE, 12 yards high, and 10 yards wide (toward the ½ positions).
Offensive player vacating the crease area toward the end line
Any obstruction to an on-ball defender.
Two off ball players switching spots on the perimeter
Adjacent offensive player moving in the same direction as the ball carrier while maintaining space.
Offensive player vacating the crease area toward the midfield line.
Call made to initiate adjacent rotation after slide. Hub is locked, perimeter players rotate around the hub. Called when ball is thrown back on slide or skipped through the defense.
The two midfield clearing actions in Georgia clear
Call made to sub off the field through the box.
When guarding the ball, your back is square to this landmark in the center of the paint
Call made to look at game clock and know time.
Recovery call directing defenders to sprint to the paint to avoid a disadvantage or an unfavorable situation.
Fake slide, stepping towards a dodge and getting back to your man
Call made signifying change of responsibility during pick play or while covering off ball action
Call signaling a "Slow-to-Go" mentality when sliding