Race of people in H.G. Wells' "The Time Machine"
Largest community in Huerfano County
Small parasite related to a tick
High scoring hands in bridge
Alexander Pope work, "An ______ on Man"
Dead on arrival in police lingo
General Patton's mode of transport
Ski train stop: _______ Park
Mount _______ Wllderness is in northern Colorado
Tropical bird of the Cuckoo family
Bronze medal winning gymnest, _______ Biles
You'll probably pass through this community on your way to Beaver Creek
"Damn Yankees" tune, "Whatever _______ wants..."
Owning a small business can really ______ ______ down
Keith and Donlevy of Hollywood
Air conditioning refrigerant
It might be measured in square feet or square miles
Replies to invitations, briefly
Energy units used for heaters or air conditioners
War would be considered an extreme act of this
Former senator from Mississippi, Trent ________
Cards used in fortune telling
John Hersey novel, "A Bell for ________"
"You do it, or ________!"