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Safe use of Pesticides

a herbicide applied before weed or crop emergence
name given to a pesticide by a recognized committee on pesticide nomenclature
a warning illustration such as a skull and crossbones located on a chemical container that warns of chemical toxicity to humans and animals
how a pesticide affects its target
a herbicide applied after the presence of a weed or crop
a compound that does not contain carbon
process in which a liquid or solid changes to a gaseous phase
a herbicide that will not move or trans locate within the plant
a fungicide applied after a disease infection has occurred
chemical that kills or affects certain types of plants
A uniform substance that cannot be further decomposed
the degree to which a substance is biologically harmful.
a manufacturers name for its pesticide product
a pesticide that poses greater risk to humans and the environment than one that is not labeled
a pesticide that poses a minimal amount of risk when applied according to label directions
connective tissue responsible for transport of water and nutrients within the plants
a chemical capable of producing a tumor
chemical breakdown caused by exposure to light
a chemical substance that is composed of more than one element
Transports glucose and other dissolved sugars from the leaves to other parts of the plant.
movement of a pesticide through air to nontarget sites