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The Plan of Salvation

All verses were taken from the
King James Version.
Did Jesus sin? Heb. 4:15
Jesus gave this up for a time John 3:13
How many have sinned? Rom. 3:23
What is sin? 1 John 3:4
With God's help can we overcome sin? Phili. 4:13
"...God___His own Son..." Rom. 8:3-4
What is the penalty for sin? Rom. 6:23
Another reason Christ came to earth 1 Pet. 2:21
How was Jesus treated on earth? Is. 53:3,7-8
How much will God save us? Heb. 7:25
Why did God send His Son to die? Romans 5:8
"For He hath made Him to be___ for us..." 2 Cor. 5:21
Is it possible to overcome through human power? Jere. 13:23