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Literacy Terms

A Writers distinctive use of language to express ideas as well as his or her persona.
A Story about a series of events that includes character development, plot structure, And theme; can be a work of fiction and nonfiction.
TThe person telling the story.
TThey exact meanings, or detonations, of words
A Reference made to a well-known person,event, or place from history,music, art, or another literary work.
TThe methods a director uses to communicate meaning and to evoke particular emotional responses from viewers
TThe distinctive way a writer uses language, characterized by elements of diction, syntax, imagery, organization.
A Writers central idea or main message.
An account written by a person about his or her own life.
A description or account of events from a persons life, written by another person.
A writers attitude toward a subject, character, or audience.
TThe associations and emotional overtones attached to a word beyond its literal definition, or denotation.
Aanything that represents itself but also stands for a something else on a figurative language.
Language written in lines and stanzas.
An interruption or transition to a time before the current events in a narrative.
A statement that summarizes the key details of a text.
A form of irony that occurs when’s a speaker or narrator says one thing while meaning the opposite.
A writers word choices, which often convey voice and tone.
TThe precise meaning of a word.
Ordinary written or spoken language, using sentences Andy paragraphs.
A literary device that exploits readers expectations.
Emotional, ethnical, and logical arguments used to persuade an audience to agree with the writer or speaker.
Tthe arrangement of two or more things for the purpose of comparison.
A rhetorical appeal the focuses on the character or qualifications of the speaker.
The atmosphere of predominant emotion in a literary work, the effect of the words on the audience.
The repetition of the same word or group of words at the beginnings of two or more clauses or lines.
A rhetorical appeal to the readers or listeners senses or emotions.
A rhetorical appeal to reason or logic.