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Figurative Language

The pattern of end rhymes in a poem
The repetition of vowel sounds
Repetition of initial consonant sounds
Giving human traits to an animal, object, or idea that is not human
A four line poem/stanza
Two words in a poem that almost rhyme, their end consonants are the same.
Two words in a poem that almost rhyme, their end vowel sounds are the same.
A comparison that equates two different objects that does not use like or as
The repetition of sound in a poem
Two words in a poem that look like they rhyme, but are pronounced differently
When a pair of line is grouped together and has the same rhyme
Language that appeals to the five senses
A word that sounds like its meaning
The repetition of internal and ending consonant sounds
A division, or group of lines in a poem
An extreme exaggeration used for humor or emphasis
A comparison of two different objects that uses like or as