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WGS 201

A term that has been reclaimed by the LGBT community, used as an umbrella term for any and all members of the LGBT community.
A term describing individuals who stray from socially accepted gender roles.
Describes individuals who possess identities that fall outside of the widely accepted gender binary.
People born with physical sex characteristics that are neither clearly male nor female.
The benefits and advantages that heterosexuals receive in a heterosexist culture.
Discrimination against/fear of transgender people.
Describes a person who is attracted to both men and women.
The period of time when a trans person begins to live in a gender role that is in accordance with their internal gender identity.
A term used to describe anyone who dislikes LGBTIQ people, and this type of behavior can range from using derogatory language to acts of physical violence.
When someone discloses information about someone else’s sexual orientation or gender identity without their knowledge and/or consent.
The nature of an individual’s physical, romantic, emotional, and/or spiritual attraction to another person. This is different from gender identity.
One’s internal, personal sense of their own gender.
Organizations or institutions that are open, affirming, or accepting of trans people and their social, political, and cultural needs.
An umbrella term used to describe people who permanently or occasionally do not identify with their sex that they were assigned at birth.
The sex/gender that one is considered to be at birth based on the physical appearance of genitalia.
Clothing, characteristics, traits, and behaviors that are culturally associated with masculinity and/or femininity.
A female whose emotional, romantic, and sexual attractions are primarily for women or girls.
Another term for heterosexual.
An acronym that stands for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender.
The societal/cultural, institutional, and individual beliefs that privilege men and denigrate women.