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2nd Corinthians ch.10 ONLY

Where can we preach the gospel?
What is the one who commends himself?
Beyond what do we neither go by boasting of work done by others?
How are you judging?
How do we not wage war?
Who think that we live by the standards of this world?
What do the weapons we fight with have divine power to demolish?
For what did the Lord give us authority?
Whom do some commend?
In what are we not going too far?
Who has assigned to us a sphere of service that also includes you?
How do we hope our sphere of activity among you will expand?
Who should boast in the Lord?
What are some who commend themselves when they compare themselves with themselves?
Where do we live?
Who does not want to seem to be trying to frighten you with his letters?
2 part question: What do we make obedient to Christ and what do we take captive?
Beyond what limits will we not boast?