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The Nervous System: Cranial Nerves

Detects visual information and is sensory
Moves the tongue for speech and swallowing and is motor
Detects hearing and balance or equilibrium and is sensory
Moves the eyeballs and is motor
Contains three branches. It detects sensations, such as nociception and temperature on the head and face and moves muscles of mastication and is both sensory and motor
Moves the eyeballs and is motor
Detects smell and is sensory
Moves the eyeballs, the eyelids, and constricts pupils and is motor
Controls the tongue for speech and swallowing, and innervates the trapezius and the sternocleidomastoid muscles and is motor
Detects taste, produces saliva, controls swallowing and is both sensory and motor.
Regulates activity of thoracic and abdominal organs, such as gastrointestinal peristalsis, and heart rate and blood pressure as well as sweating. The vagus nerve is both sensory and motor
Controls facial expression, detects taste, and produces saliva and tears. Is both sensory and motor