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A signed document that brought a long conflict to an end
Four laws passed by colonists that were considered so harsh
This act placed new duties on legal documents such as wills, diplomas and marriage papers
A document that drew an imaginary line along the crest of the Appalachian Mountains
A fighting that broke out in 1754
A formal written request to someone in authority, signed by a group of people
A letter-writing campaign
Legal documents that would allow officers to inspect a ship's cargo without giving a reason
A law passed by Parliament that set up a government for Canada and gave complete religious freedom to French Catholics
An army of citizens who serve as soldiers during an emergency
A shooting that killed five people in a gathering outside the Boston customs house
A law passed to tax goods such as glass, paper, paint, lead and tea
A war that did not last long
A meeting in Philadelphia where delegates from 12 colonies gathered.
A plan to create one general government for the 13 colonies
Dumping of 342 chests of tea in the Boston harbor
Area where the city of Quebec sat on
To refuse to buy certain goods and services
Volunteers who were trained regularly
this act let a company bypass the tea merchants and sell directly to colonists