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Prophecies and other things

Bible book that says you reap what you sow
Prophet who preached that Ninevah would be destroyed
Bible book that contains the Hebrews release from slavery in Egypt
Was stoned to death in book of Acts.
First world power
King of third world power
Name Jehovah gave to Jacob
Chapter in Ecclesiastes that tells condition of the dead
Book that says the Rock, perfect is his activity
Seventh world power
World empire of false religion
Jehovah's dominant quality
He prepared his heart to consult Law of Jehovah and to practice it
He said as for me and my household, we will serve Jehovah
King who overthrew third world power
Chapter in Luke that contains illustration of good samaritan
Bible book that says faith without works is dead
King of third world power when they were conquered
Jesus age when he was left at the temple and his parents found him
Paul's Hebrew name
Were provided for accidental manslayer
Bible book that says why we die
Bible book that gives the definition of faith
This bible book says to let your words be gracious, seasoned with salt
Bible book that says Jehovah will rock the nations and desirable things will come out
Writer of the book of Job
Chapter in 1Corinthians that says bad associations spoil useful habits
Symbolic for eternal destruction
Bible book that gives name of the one who conquers third world power
Bible book that shows Michael's dispute with the devil
Bible book that contains prophecy that Jesus would be called out of Egypt
Second world power
Bible book that says seek righteousness and meekness, probably you'll be concealed
Chapter in book of John that says everlasting life means coming to know Jehovah and Jesus
Longest bible book
Ninevah was called this in the book of Nahum
Third world power
Sixth world power
Fifth world power
Jesus secular occupation
Bible book that tells of the rebellion of Korah, Dathan, and Abiram
Bible book that says Jehovah does not change
Means one sent forth
One of Jehovah's titles
Bible book that said where Jesus would be born
Chapter in Matthew that contains golden rule
Another name for the month of Abib