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The world of Darius

Sister in Padens family.
The dark lasson.
The drug Darius/Paden is hooked on.
The only human other than Ray made immortal.
Looks like a black bug can change shapes.
His planet was saved.
Looks like a over fed rabbit.
Mate to Trend.
Head of the medical team.
Gave Darius a mental bond to save him.
Small green birds that have a habit of dropping flowers in the water.
Blood brother to Cas.
Purple alien.
Found as a charm in book 11.
Vega's pet.
Highly noted medic, especially in medical mixtures.
Loves to cuss.
First high protector.
Something our main character is afraid of.
Paden's other name.
Brother to Trend.
A large harry creature it looks like a goat on Earth.
A snail like creature that moves very fast, found in book 11.
Time-keeper for both Eiravia and Earth.
Sometimes dense.
Tarten's eyes turn this color when they are sad.
Named from a story in a book.
What a wizard was turned into