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What I Love About Deborah!

Happy Birthday!
A.M. ritual which rhymes with a pool of h2o
Something Deborah and William like lots and found they had in common early in their relationship
Her unique intensity
Something she is peacefully working on, always
A verbal sexy attribute of hers
She's the cutest when she does this
Van Morrison likes one too
This comes instinctively to Deborah
Something else William is grateful Deborah has for him
Another long attribute of Deborah's
A teaching tool she uses with perfection
Deborah is willing to grow this way with William
One of the reasons she's still a 10+
William is thankful she said this to him
William is grateful for her...... grow is admirable
Something of which God blessed Deborah with
It's sexy when her lips curve
Deborah teaches with it
When she does it, it's fantastic! WW loves her.....
Deborah's verbal happiness
Deborah exercises this with William every day
Her commitment to anything she loves
Her.....for knowledge is never satisfied