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Plate Tectonics Puzzle

When two plates move towards each other and collide sometimes subducted
A region of the earth where tech tonic plates converge the dense plate sinks beneath the less dense plate
A crack in the Earth's crust where rock slides past one another different types of faults may form based on direction of plate movement
An area in the middle of a continental plate where the plate begins to separate a large valley will form
Outermost layer of the earth
formed when plates converged
Underwater mountain ranges where the crust is spreading apart to create new ocean floor
The upper layer of the earth's mantle directly below the lithosphere convection occurs here
When two plates slide against each other in a sideways motion
Occurs at mid ocean ridges oceanic divergent boundary this process creates new seafloor through the upward movement of magma
When plates move away from one another
The rigid outer part of the earth consisting of the crust and upper mantle
The transfer of heat by the mass movement of heated particles into a cooler area
Means the motherland this supercontinent formed 1 billion years ago and broke up about 750 million years ago
Where is the Great Rift Valley of ____ located
Near Mid-Atlantic Ridge
Supercontinent that included all current landmasses existed about 250 million years ago
A deep depression of the seafloor caused by the subduction of one plate under another
Volcanic _____ are located in the ocean after plates converge
The area of the earth between the crust and the core