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The Underground Railroad

A person who was owned by another person.
Hiding places for runaway slaves.
A large network of people, black and white who risked their lives to help escaped slaves.
A secret pathway from slavery in the South to freedom in the North
Slaves who followed the Underground Railroad to freedom.
A hand made blanket. Some had hidden messages.
A person who owned slaves.
People who helped slaves make their way North to freedom.
To get cash for a human being that another bought.
The ability to make choices for yourself. Where to live, who to marry, to move where ever you want.
People who provided slaves with food and shelter on the Underground Railroad
A country north of the United States where slaves were free.
An escaped who became a conductor on the Underground Railroad.
To face danger and obstacles to achieve a goal.
A star in the sky that escaped slaves used to help them find a way North.