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club, cars and a little humor

What we quote
Heart of the car
Car store for used parts
FAST Nor Cal Meeting place
A.K.A. Anifreeze
1930-1940 name used by Ford for a 4-door Sedan
Car housing unit
Buddy in the next seat
Backyard car
Club chapter
Measure engin output
Individual of the club
What none of us have enough of
A.K.A rumble seat
Read door of truck
Any car older newer then your oldest child
Face of a wheel
Home of Auto Registration
Birthplace of American Graffitti
Bad investment are called_________
2 seat convertible without side windows
French word for convertible
Doors that open vertically are called_________
We all need a little extra of this
Vehicles between 1916-1924 are referred to as____
4 on the floor
___& need
Digests and mixes gas
2018 AACA Modesto Club President first name
Any car older then yourself
Home of the Turkey shoot
2015 AACA Modesto President (and my pop :) )
Car juice
Brightens the night
Necter of the Gods
Car you wanted in HS but couldn't afford
Engine not doing work
Blood of a car
Monday night Meeting place
But 'hon' it's just a_______
1970's classic suffer car "Ol______"
Overall #1 fix it tool
Son of Henry Ford