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SIM Day Challenge Pre Term

Born 28 to 32 weeks
50% unknown
Sign of newborn respiratory distress
Patent ductus arteriosis
A complication risk for preterm infant with premature liver
Acute inflammatory disease of the gastrointestinal mucosa common to preterm infants
Type of drugs given to help enhance fetal lung maturity
Breathing pause for 20 seconds or more
Antidiuretic Hormone released by pituitary gland
Substance produced by type 2 alveolar cells
Major complication of pre term birth
Born less than 28 weeks
Drug that stops uterine contractions
Newborn category based on gestational age alone
Calcium channel blocker used as a tocolytic
Often occurs in preterm infants due to too much oxygen
Possible cause of preterm contractions and preterm rupture of membranes
Infection of the amniotic sac
These hormones (D and F) can help cause uterine contractions
Most common drug to suppress preterm contractions
Early rupture of membranes at a preterm gestation
Labor between 24 and 27 weeks