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Structure and Function of Government

Social Studies 10 - Mrs. Bronson
A member of the governing party that is not a cabinet minister
The type of government when the governing party has less than half the total number of seats in the House
What an elected representative is called in BC
This person acts as a referee during question period
The Senate is the _____Chamber
Time set aside each day for opposition MPs to ask governing MPs questions
The party that has the second most seats in the House
Rule by many
Top official in the civil service
Rule by none
Means the number of MPs an area has in the House is determined by the number of people that live there
Term that refers to the powers of each level of government
United public support on an issue
Refers to claim that Senate appointments are handed out as a reward for political support
Private meetings held by a political body
Elected MP that heads up a gov't ministry
One reason the Senate was created
The House of Commons is the ___ Chamber
Member of party responsible for making sure all MPs are in the House for a vote
The party that holds more seats in the House than any other party
The type of government when the governing party has more than half the total number of seats in the House
Government employees
An MP of the official opposition chosen to closely watch the activities of a Cabinet Minister
Opposition MPs and public agencies that watch the activities of the government and the civil service
An elected representative in the House of Commons
An electoral district