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Tasty Fruits

School newspaper crossword puzzle
I am a purple (sometimes green) fruit that grows in bunches on a vine.
I'm green, small on the top and big on the bottom, and I'm usually in paintings of fruit.
I'm green on the outside and pink on the inside, you eat me in the summer, and I'm a great source of water!
I'm green, and I look like a lemon, but i'm much more sour!
My name is the same as my color, and It used to be called red-yellow.
I'm brown and fuzzy on the outside, but green and sweet on the inside.
I'm small, yellow, and VERY sour!
I look like a black berry, but I'm pink!
I'm a tropical smoothie flavor, and I guess you can say I'm full of passion!
I'm red, small, and despite my name, you don't need a straw to enjoy me.
I usually come in pairs, I'm red, and you can find me on top of your milkshakes!
I'm long, yellow, and you can pretend to use me as a phone.
I'm red, juicy, and I'm NOT a vegetable!
I'm a great smoothie flavor, I'm red and green, sweet, and my advice is you don't love him, let that MAN GO! (That's a pun)