The process of analyzing very large, often independent, data sets to reveal patterns, trends, and associations – especially relating to human behavior and interactions.
Developing, maintaining, and improving the relationship between employer and employee by effectively and proactively communicating with employees, processing grievances/disputes, etc.
Storing and accessing data and programs over the Internet instead of your computer’s hard drive.
The assessment of the current workforce in order to predict future needs.
A well-known personality type assessment designed to measure people’s psychological preferences.
The process of identifying long-range needs and cultivating a supply of internal talent to meet those future needs.
A contract restricting an employee from disclosing confidential or proprietary information.
An outside individual who supplies professional advice or services to companies for a fee.
A periodic review and evaluation of an individual’s job performance.
A technique to make comparisons between different organizations with the intent of improving a product or service.
A business management system that integrates all facets of the business, including manufacturing, sales, marketing, finance and human resources.
The branch of computer science concerned with making computers behave like humans.
The process of gathering information about the requirements and necessary skills of a job in order to create a job description.
The number of employees lost and gained over a given time period.
The inability to perform all or part of one’s occupational duties because of an accident or illness