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Book: Loser

Try and solve the puzzle. You had to read Loser to answer the questions. 
What kind of cookie does the main character bake for his new neighbor?
What is the main character's last name.
The main character thinks the man in the window has a lot of _______.
Ms. Biswell calls the main character's hand writing _________?
The main characters little sister is named_____?
The main character has a _______ hat.
What is the team the main character is on in 4th grade?
Who is the neighbor that the main character makes a giant cookie for.
What is the last name of the author of the book?
What is the name of the book?
What does the main character's family call their car?
The main character wants to be a _______ when he grows up.
Who is the guy that calls the main character a loser on field day.
What is the team the main character is on in 5th grade?
The main character has ____ people in his family.