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Chapter 10 Lesson 3

Activities aimed at weakening the government
First Chief justice of the supreme court
High taxes on imports
The first U.S. attempt of a plan of government that failed
The treaty that ended the War for Independence.
Stood for a strong federal government
D.C. in Washington D.C stands for?
At these meetings, members of a party chose a candidate to run for president.
He did not like political parties
Our second president of the U.S.
A system that our government uses to limit the powers of our three branches is called?
Federalist party believed that this act would protect the nation's security
President Adams named the 3 French spies this.
The president resides in what branch?
Our court system branch is called?
Legislative branch in our government is called?
To favor one side of an issue.
Leader of the Federalist party
A plan of government.
The first 10 amendments to the constitution are called this.
The second vice president of the U.S.