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This stage in sewage treatment uses bacteria to break down organic matter
This heavy metal gets in water supplies through pipes and pipe solder. Contaminated Flint MI water
Pipes and smokestacks are examples of pollution that is directly produced
This heavy metal is found naturally in groundwater
Oxygen demanding waste such as food waste, dead plants and animals, and sewage is classified as ___.
Mayflies and stone flies are large insects classified as __ used to indicate water quality
Insecticide that caused the eggshells of birds to be thin and break
___ species let you know whether or not pathogens may be present in water
Chemicals used in fertilizer that may lead to eutrophication
This bacteria is present in sewage and is tested to see if water may be contaminated
A large area, like a farm, that produces pollution
A major waterborne disease
Solid waste material from wastewater
Exposure to this metal comes through eating shellfish
Area in Gulf of Mexico with little oxygen
A large container that receives wastewater from a house- often used in rural areas
Most common cause of water pollution
This fish requires high levels of DO and is found in unpolluted waters
Industrial compounds that cause cancer. Not used in the US anymore due to their persistence
High BOD leads to ___ levels of DO