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World Religions

A natural entity such as an animal or a feature of a landscape that symbolizes a group and has special significance for the religious life of that group or individual.
Originally the movement arising in the late 19th century that sought to re-establish a Jewish homeland- the State of Israel.
Belief in many gods.
A core doctrine in Christianity
A short statement of Christian belief
the day from sunset on Friday until sunset on Saturday- observed by the Jewish people
Means messenger in Greek- followers of Jesus
The belief that the divine reality exists in everything,
Father, Son and Holy Spirit
The understanding of the nature of the universe,
Sacred text is the Torah and the Talmud.
My teacher- leader of Jewish worship
A system of social ordering that dictates that special objects and activities , owing to their sacred nature, are set aside for specific groups to be forbidden.
Means good news in Greek- Relating to Christianity
Experience of the divine or holy presence.
Belief in one God
Ritual of the Lakota Tribes of the North American Plains
A means of seeking spiritual power through an encounter with a guardian spirit or other medium.
Aboriginal people believe these supernatural beings roamed the earth during The Dreaming.
Practitioners who specialize in the art of divination, very important to the Yoruba.
World's fastest growing religion
A dimension of religion that deals with how we are to act while living in the world,
Means universal in Greek
The capacity for seeing things from another's perspective,
Those who choose to die rather than violate their religious convictions.