A vice that causes people to view others as objects for sexual use.
A good habit that empowers us to love God and others freely.
Sexual activity between a married person and someone not his or her spouse.
The virtue that helps us use our bodies to express love in purity and truthfulness.
This sacrament allows us to express sorrow for our sins and have our souls wiped clean.
The major teaching that the visible human body can reveal truths about the invisible human soul.
Someone who lives his or her life to love God above all else; we are called to be this.
This Greek word means total, selfless love.
Images used for the purpose of arousing lust.
When Jesus' body and soul were reunited after the crucifixion, making our own reunited body and soul possible after death.
The process of listening to God to understand His calling and saying Yes!
The sin of sexual activity between persons who are not married.
The greatest of all sacraments because it is the body, blood, soul, and divinity of Jesus we consume.
God's gift of divine life given to us through the sacraments.
That part of love that makes you desire to be united with your loved one.
A sacramental bond between a man and woman binding until death that calls for a free, total, faithful and fruitful relationship.
It means to be male or female, or the physical intimacy between husband and wife intended to be free, total, faithful, and fruitful.