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Midterm Review

When a country doesn't enforce its laws
A country's goal for economic self sufficiency
He thought the Federal government should be stronger than the state governments
First name of man who shot Alexander Hamilton
He sued Ogden under the Interstate Commerce Clause
Constitutional agreement relating to counting slaves for voting purposes.
Invented a machine to take seeds from cotton.
Rumored Presidential Candidate for 2020
Singer with 2016 hit album "Lemonade"
Advised country not to make foreign alliances.
It led to the introduction of new plants and animals among Europe, Africa and the Americas
Another term for tobacco
First ten amendments of the Consitution
One of the authors of the Federalist Papers
Singer of "Uptown Funk"
Jefferson wanted an economy based on this.
Concept where national government is more powerful than state government.
This required colonists to pay tax on paper goods.
Philosopher who most influenced the Declaration of Independence