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Nail Care

Muscles that spread the fingers or toes.
Clear, fast evaporating liquid that is extremely flammable.
Muscles that pull together the fingers or toes.
Perionychium overlaps onto the sides of the?
Cosmetic care for the toenails and feet.
Part of the nailplate that extends beyond the fingertip.
The fingers and toes are also known as?
Hyponychium is the ___ between the freeedge and the fingertips.
The eponychium partially overlaps this part of the nail?
An ___ is applied to enhance and or strengthen the natural nail.
Small openings/cuts in the skin that may allow pathogens to enter the body.
A disposable tool used to push back the cuticle and clean under the freeedge is?
The translucent part of the nail that extends from the nail root to the freeedge?
What is the technical term for nails?
What does the plate rest upon?
The nail pterygium adheres to what?
What practice uses reflex points on the hands/feet/and head?
Thin and tightly woven material applied over nail tips used to strengthen the natural nails are called?
What is the spongy, respiratory organ responsible for inhaling and exhaling?
What part of the nail bed extends below the nail root and helps to make the nail plate?
What is the small portion of non living epidermis that extends around the base of the nail?