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Our Solar System

I am 15 pounds per square inch at sea level
I am 78% of the gas in our air
I am the planet that is tipped over on its side and was discovered by Sir William Herschel
I am the darker areas on the outer surface of the sun
I am the only planet suitable for life
I am when the moon travels through the earth's shadow
I am the planet surrounded by seven bands and at least sixty moons
I am the layer of the atmosphere closest to the earth and where all weather occurs
I am the atmosphere of the sun
I am the surface layer of the sun which is visible to our eyes
My light comes from the sun
I am the layer of the atmosphere that helps protect the earth from being bombarded with meteoroids
I am the brightest planet in the sky and Earth's "Twin planet"
I am the protective field that surrounds the entire earth and protects it from harmful space particles
I am the hemisphere where you will see the aurora borealis
I am the layer in the stratosphere that helps protect the earth from ultraviolet rays
I am the topmost layer of the atmosphere
I am the largest planet in the solar system and home to the Great Red Spot
I am a light display seen near the poles caused by the collision of particles from solar winds with molecules of air
I am 93,000,000 miles from the earth
I am the innermost section of the sun
I am the "red planet"
I am when the moon is on the same levels the sun and it blocks out the sun's light
I am a phenomenon that occurs in the lowest regions of the thermosphere
I am how the air is in the two upper layers of the atmosphere because there are so few air molecules
I am a bulging moon
I am the vapor blanket surrounding the sun which is only visible during a total eclipse
I am the planet that appears royal blue and have a moon named Triton
I am the closet planet to the sun