Jesus was from this part of Judaea
Christian religious image or picture
Along with brother Methodius, brought Christianity to the Slavs
Church at Alexandria founded in the country
Si and Am were these type of cats (from Lady and the Tramp)
Nero said Christians did this to Rome
A fast cat and a type of car
Different levels within an organization
Largest cats in the world
This cat helped save 101 Dalmatians
The Pope is the Bishop of this city
Small cat, named for their small tail
To declare a person or group no longer belongs to the church
In 726 AD, this emperor ordered all icons removed from the churches
Person who travels to carry ideas of a religion to others
To mistreat because of one’s beliefs
Early Christian church leader/missionary
The Alley Cat (from the Airstocats)
Adam and Eve had to leave this garden
Had fire tied to his tail
Brought Christianity to Ireland
First letter of the Greek Alphabet
On the third day, Jesus _____ from the dead