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"Projekt 1065" Crossword Puzzle

You may find the following words or concepts offensive, but please keep in  mind that I do not believe or am faithful to any of the evil people, things, or ideas practiced in WWll.
The mass killings of European Jews.
Nazi Germany and Italy were part of this 'team' during WWll.
The United States and Britain were members on this 'team' during WWll.
The fuhrer of Nazi Germany.
This group was rebellious to the Nazi rule and were citizens of Nazi Germany.
People of this faith were unethically prosecuted in Nazi Germany for no justified reason.
The Nazis believed these people were of only Caucasian race and not of Jewish descent.
The invasion of this country began WWll.
The secret police of Nazi Germany
A major paramilitary organization under the Nazi party.
The name for a German tank.
The political/dictator group that ruled Germany from 1933 to 1945.
A major organization under the Nazi party in which children were trained to become Nazi soldiers
People were sequestered to these places by the Nazis to be worked to extremes or to be put to death.
The country where Nazism was established.