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Galatians 1-2

We were included in Christ's death when we were __ with him.
Opposite of the same
The gospel sees men and ___ as the same
Those who demanded circumcision
The righteous live by ____
Paul preached to __
Mixing the gospel with the law ___God's grace
Paul met him on the Damascus Rd.
Good News
Jesus tore down the __ separating Jew and Gentile
Paul was __ before Jesus met him.
___brothers demanded gentiles be circumcised
Number of people made righteous by the law
The Jews were called the ___
How did we die to the law?
God's servant must not try to ____ man
Now the true circumcision is made of those who worship God in the ____
Paul received the gospel through __-
Result of mixing law and grace
Peter preached to __
Righteousness is a gift of ____
The number of true gospels