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13 Reasons Why

Dark book, dark puzzle.
Where Hannah had flashbacks and got a ride home from Jenny Kurtz.
He was caught stalking and taking photos of Hannah.
Everyone in Hannah's tapes, goes to the same ______ as her.
Hannah kissed him at a park once.
Hannah _____ committed suicide.
Hannah released ________ before committing suicide.
Jenny Kurtz hit a stop sign and did not report it to the police which caused a ______.
Ryan Shaver stole and published Hannah's ____ anonymously.
He did same horrible thing to Hannah and Jessica.
He tried to take advantage of Hannah when going on a date with her.
Jessica ended her ________ with Hannah because she believed rumors she heard.
Zach Dempsey tried to get ______ on Hannah when he was rejected by her.
Hannah had a bad ________ because of the rumors made about her.
Didn't deserve to be on Hannah's list as she stated.
This character made a list, which added negativity to Hannah's reputation.