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A quick review of Alma the Younger

Alma began to establish this in Zarahemla (Alma 6:4)
Who speaks to Alma in Alma 8:14-17 and commands him to return to where he was cast out?
No _____ thing can inherit the kingdom of heaven (Alma 11:37)
Alma teaches Zeezrom that this life is a time to ____ to meet God (Alma 12:24)
Amulek is tempted to deny the true and living _____ (Alma 11:25)
The first city Alma delivered the word of God to (Alma 5:1).
Alma devoted all his time to this (Alma 4:20)
If Adam and Eve had not partaken of the tree of life they would have been forever _____ (Alma 12:26)
One of Alma's favorite words (Alma 5:6)
Alma's future missionary companion (Alma 8:21)
The Savior will show us mercy if we repent and don't ____ our hearts (Alma 12:34)
Alma preaches to members of the church in this city after leaving Zarahemla (Alma 6:8)
Alma tried to preach here but was cast out (Alma 8:8)
Alma asks more than 40 of these in Alma 5.
These men sought to destroy Alma and Amulek (Alma 10:14)
Alma delivered this to Nephihah (Alma 4:20)
He is the foremost to accuse Alma and Amulek of violating the law (Alma 10:31)
Alma commanded the people of Ammonihah to do this (Alma 9:12)
After Amulek preached of resurrection and judgment Zeezrom began to _____ (Alma 11:46).
Alma baptized many people in this land (Alma 8:4)