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ODTA Puzzle

Can reproduce itself.
When organs and or tissues are sold illegally.
A machine used to aid in the act of respiration.
Part of the eye that can be used for transplant.
Acts as the bodies filter.
Secretes digestive enzymes within the enzymes.
Front part of the head from the forehead to the chin.
Specialized cells and their products.
Drugs used to make the body less likely to reject a transplanted organ
Procedure where an item is moved from one body to another.
Protein found in blood intended to attack bacteria, viruses, and transplanted organs.
Found in the interior cavities of bones.
Tiny fragments that circulate throughout blood.
Liquid of the body that carries oxygen throughout the body.
Largest organ of the body.
Pumps blood throughout the body.
Used to preserve organs during transportation.
Aids with the flow of blood to and from the heart.
Supports the shape of the body from within.
Connects bones and muscles to each other.
Transferring blood or other bodily fluids into another body.
Key component of respiration.
Estimated number of transplants performed every year.
Tissue donation must be initiated within how many hours?
The number of lived one organ donor can save.
Heart, liver, and skin are all an example of this.
Organs or tissues are transplanted within the same body.
Dead bodies.
When the body has an immune response to the transplanted organ.
A cell from which a variety of other cells can develop through the process of cellular differentiation.