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St. Agnes

A periodical celebration, usually of a religious nature, commemorating an event or person.
Great respect; reverence
Name of the governor/prefect who was responsible for Agnes torture
Distinguished by rank or title; of belonging to or constituting a hereditary class that has special social or political status in a country or state; of or pertaining to aristocracy.
The act or practice of engaging in sexual intercourse for money
Who was the Austrian missionary who founded the Congregation of Sisters of St. Agnes.
Name of the emperor/ruler of the Roman Empire during the time Agnes was alive
Which saint wrote this about Agnes, "she triumphed over her tender age, as well as over merciless tyrant. To the crown of spotless innocence she added the glory of martyrdom.
To murder; assassinate
A house of prostitution
The Latin word for lamb
The act of inflicting excruciating pain as a punishment or revenge, as a means of getting a confession or information or for sheer cruelty
The Greek adjective for chaste, pure, sacred
A woven vestment worn by the Pope and conferred by him on archbishops, consisting in its present form of a narrow ring-like band that rests on the shoulder with 2 dependent bands or lappets, one in front and one behind
A type of sexual assault carried out against a person without that person's consent
A person who has never had sexual intercourse; an unmarried girl or woman
Month that St. Agnes feast day is in
Name of the son of the governor who was angry when his advances were rebuffed by Agnes
A person who willing suffers death rather than renounce her/her religion; a person who is put to death or endures great suffering on behalf of any belief, principle or couse
What happened to the men who tried to rape Agnes