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Overview of Ostomy

Fill in gaps and creases to prevent leakage
Diverts urine when kidney is removed
Measure the stoma for proper wafer; any avoidance of skin breakdown
Person with the ostomy
Discourages backflow urine during reclining
Created opening located on abdomen pink in color, beefy red and not dark
Pouches become inflamed; cause for procedure
United Ostomy Association of America
Liquid waste
Miconazole 2% topical powder
Diverts stool from small intestine
1/3-1/2 full, to keep the pouch from pulling away from the body
Surgical procedure allowing for bodily waste to be rerouted
Common reason for ileostomy
Pouch wrinkle free when applying to avoid for leaking
Protects the skin that wafer is placed
Leaking and skin irritation; place washcloth under the pouch
Karaya powder
Sign of possible obstruction, abnormal
Diverts stool from colon
Vanilla oil, peppermint ext, 10gtts added to pouch
Bag that collects the waste, change every 5-7 days, unless not putting out much waste
Flange holds the bag; and should be secured from the bottom to the top
Help relax Intestinal Musculature may help with obstruction
Absorb moisture from skin; doesn't prevent breakdown