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Tic-Tac-Toe "Holes"Crossword Puzzle

Who's place does Stanley take over because they got hurt
Wheree does Stanley find Zero after he runs away
The camp Stanley gets sent to
What happens when Stanley leaves Camp Green Lake
What does Stanley "Steal"
What group is Stanley in
What is the most deadly animal at Camp Green Lake
Who steals the Sunflower Seeds from Mr.Sirs' car
Stanleys' best friend at the camp he gets sent to
What Stanley and Zero call the mountain that look like a thumb
Where does everyone in Camp Green Lake go to rest after they dig there holes
The protagonist of the story
Whenever somthing goes wrong in Stanleys' family they blame it on Stanleys' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
What did Camp Green Lake use to be
Stanley calls him Theodore and Theodore throws Stanley to the ground saying thats not my name. What does he say his name is
Who says they could see inside Mr.Pendanski and he saw a big fat heart
What do Zero and Stanley eat while they are on the mountain
What nickname do they give Stanley
What does Zero hit Mr.Pendanski with before he ran away
Who picks Stanley up from Camp Green Lake
Who has the nickname of a underwater animal in Stanley's group
Stanleys' group counselor
What does Stanley do to get sent to camp
Stanley takes who with him away from Camp Green Lake
The whole entire camp owner