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Embark on a trip

A simple name of a street
Invokes the robber.
Name the street that in the 1830's lay at the edge of San Francisco Bay. Intense land speculation during the Gold Rush created a demand for more usable land in the rapidly growing city, and sandy bluffs near the waterfront were leveled and the shallows filled with sand (and the ruins of many ships) to make new building lots.
What was constructed in 1938 that made a major means of transportation redundant and in less than four year destroyed the business? (three words)
It was the principal automobile ferry terminal connecting San Francisco with Marin County.
The binary of on
Institutions set up to test the purity of precious metals.
In 1838 a boat could sail there in under half an hour, but wagons and carriages required an arduous journey that could well exceed a hundred miles. As a result, the region was largely dominated by two disparate classes of people, both with ready access to boats: commercial fishermen and wealthy yachting enthusiasts.
Who ran one of San Francisco's most notorious brothels.[1] San Francisco Chronicle columnist Herb Caen, writing about the UN, said "the United Nations was founded at Sally Stanford's whorehouse," because of the number of delegates to the organization's 1945 San Francisco founding conference who were Stanford customers;[1] many actual, if informal, negotiating sessions took place in the brothel's living room (two words). She changed her last name to that of a famous university after reading a newspaper story that the school had won a football game.
This street is a one block alley in the Jackson Square District with many of the original brick buildings from the 1850s. #56 was the address where the discovery of Gold was confirmed.
This building was built in 1970 on landfill and the lowest level of the parking garage is below the level of the bay with pumps to keep water out. The building is built on two huge Teflon slabs meant to slide over each other in case of an earthquake, state of the art design when it was built. (Three words)
An organ.