Call EMS if the angina hasn't gone away after ____ doses
The quicker this is used, the higher the chance of survival and the lower the chance of brain damage.
This is the main body chemical responsible for allergic reactions
During heart failure, fluid often accumulates here when lying down
Seizure drug with lots of side effects that causes gingival overgrowth
Allergens, cold weather, smoke can trigger this
A characteristic of asthma is narrow airways. Another key characteristic is __________.
This heart failure med can cause toxicity so take the patient's vitals carefully!
Placed under the tongue to widen blood vessels so more blood can get to heart.
Numbness on one side of the face, confusion, weakness on one side are all symptoms of this type of accident
Chronic high blood pressure will often cause these to fail
This is a huge risk factor for stroke
This is the treatment for a severe asthma attack or anaphylaxis
The most dangerous phase of a seizure
These seizures are characterized by eye rolling and blank stare and often happen in children
When you ask a potential CVA victim to stretch out both arms, you want their palms to be ___.
Pain caused by a lack of oxygen in the heart that often happens during exertion
When responding to any emergency (esp. stroke), always notice the ____.
The outcome of a stroke is crucially dependent on a _____ response.