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Do you know your classmates?

Pokemon! Pokemon! Pokemon!!!!
My best friend is in class.
I love to read!
I dance competitively.
I am a Star Wars fanatic, mate!
I go to India every summer.
I am addicted to HOCKEY!
Pink is my favorite color.
I have the best handwriting in class.
I was born in New York.
I have had 7 pets in my life time.
My dog is named Cheerio.
I am proud to be from Texas!
I love Dogs!!!
You never catch me in a bad mood- I'm the most cheerful student in class.
I live for soccer and junk food!
Gaming is my thing!
I have TWO annoying brothers.
I am an only child which makes it hard, since I LOVE to TALK!!!
This is my first year at Cornerstone Elementary.
Sports make me happy!
My birthday is in January- maybe that is why I love to ski!
I am awesome on the guitar.