1h,C handshape, front of the mouth, moving towards you
1h, 5 handshape, on the forehead, tapping motion, palm faces ND side
2h, claw handshape, palms face up, in front of the body, moves towards you
1h, L handshape, front of the body, palm faces out, circular motion
1h, X handshape,in front of the body, up and down motion
1h, A handshape, under the chin, moves out
1h, F handshape,front of the body, palm face down, bouncing motion
1h, 1 handshape, on the chin, palm faces body, circular motion moving out
2h, 1 handshape, palms face each other in front of the body, hands move towards each other
1h, 8 handshape, on the chest, hand open and closes and moves away from the body