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Acute Low Back Pain DDX

A 46 yoF w hx of lupus presents s/p MVC while on a motorcycle ride with her new squeeze. On PE: tenderness over lumbar spine.
17 yoF presents complaining of pain low back and sacroiliac joint pains. Assoc with morning stiffness. On PE: decreased back motion, tenderness over sacroiliac joints.
62 yoF with hx of IVDU with acute sharp pain over sacrum. She is febrile. There is pain on percussion over the spine.
33 yoM with sharp shooting back pain with associated leg paresthesias. Pain is worse with bending or sitting, but better when he stands. On PE: positive straight leg raise test.
71 yoM with hx of HTN presents with tearing back pain. He is hypotensive. On PE: pulsatile abdominal mass.
25 yoM with low back and buttock pain after helping friend to move. Worse with activity and bending. On PE: local tenderness and limited spinal motion
Pt presents with urinary and fecal incontinence and symmetrical hyperreflexia
60 yoM w/ low shooting pains described as "pins and needles". Worse with walking up an incline and better sitting down. On PE: mild decrease in extension of spine and weakness.
Pt presents with urinary retention and asymmetric areflexia
Pt with back and posterior thigh pain that is worse with bending or activity. On PE: palpable stepoff, tight hamstrings
65 yoM presents complaining of dull back ache, throbbing in nature. Gotten progressively worse. It is worse when laying down or coughing. On PE: Pain over the L5 spine.