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VML West Crossword

This VMLer plays on a soccer team with Joe.
Mindy moved to Sn Francisco from this city.
Eric's kids (all 5) have names that start with the _______.
Adam used to work at a _________.
We recently celebrated our sister city, which honored which country?
This VMLer teaches a Body Pump class Wednesday evenings.
Eric B is VML employee #?
This VMLer visited the Mexico City office this year.
Mari just had a baby! His name is...?
Angela and Chris moved to Seattle this year from ....?
Three VML West-ers got married this year - Josh, Aaron V and who else?
Dessa has a cat that is unique because it only has one _____.
This year, we acquired this agency to join the VML family.
This VMLer lives in the closest proximity to the office (Seattle).
Senior copywriter Josh Glick shares a birthday with this fellow VMLer
FCF stands for ______ Coffee Friday.
AK jr. tells people he lives in this neighborhood (it may only exist in Tacoma...)
Alison is a ______.
The 'V' in VML stands for _______.
Tanner and his wife had a baby girl this fall! Her name is...?
Cush got a call from his daughters' school this year and had to pick them up, because they got ______.
The 'L' in VML stands for _____.
Seth and his wife had a baby girl this year (#2)! Her name is....?
Mindy was just featured on a recent episode of the VML podcast for being a _____?
Stu shares a birthday with this fellow VMLer.
Cody's daughter has the same name as a current popular British singer. Her name is _______.
Erin started at VML this spring on the same day as ______.
Ashley P.'s dog's name is _______.
This year we had two ladies join our team with double names: Mary-Catherine and _________.
This VMLer grew up on a _____ farm.
Which VMLer are you most likely to find chewing gum?
The 'M' in VML stands for _______.
Michael Reilly has ______ daughters.
This year, VML held the _________ sessions in honor of its 25th year.
In the past year we have had at least seven people join our team from this agency.
Katelyn's dog name is ________.
FCF takes place at this cafe.
This VMLer baked tasty cookies in the kitchen's toaster oven this year.
Angela enjoys this activity, and has recruited some of us to go with her on Tuesday evenings.
This VMLer brought her cornhole boards to the summer party.
Kyle's wife works for this ride-sharing company.
Cush and ______ have both played guitar in the office.
We have two ladies in the office who share this name.
Jim's daughter-in-law is ______, who just had a baby.
Four VMLers went to Hawaii this year - Ashley R, Aaron V, Cush, and ________.
Julie's dog's name is _______.
Sam relocated from the ________ office this year.
Our design intern's nickname is ______.
There are four team members who work out of the SF office: Jonathan, Kyle, Mindy and ______.
His wife bakes delicious treats!