Wordiness, long-windedness of speech.
Sickly, unhealthy-looking, jaundiced.
Fights, quarrels, street skirmishes.
Blemished, spoiled, contaminated, adversely altered.
To toss back and forth playfully.
To grin in a mocking manner.
To walk laboriously or wearily about.
To expel or cast out into exile.
To foretell or serve as an omen.
Deeply agitated, distracted and very very upset.
Secretive, clandestine, not out in the open.
To put a mild curse upon.
To remove, cast off or otherwise get rid of...
A striking or prominent physical feature.
Irritable, easily-angered, fractious, irascible.
To remain, delay or be tardy about doing something.
To ask for or request urgently.
To scold or express disapproval.
To put a mild curse upon.
Hatred, hostility, rancor, ill-will; the status of enemies toward one another.
To grow lazy, slack and inactive.